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紙張尺寸:紙張相關詞匯(About Paper)

放大字體??縮小字體 發布日期:2019-03-25??來源:網絡??作者:網絡 ??責編:黃

  紙引未來網訊 關于紙張、紙質方面的詞匯有很多,陸續分8個方面跟大家分享,目次如下:

  ① 紙張種類(Paper Type)

  ② 常用開本(Book Size)

  ③ 紙張相關詞匯(about Paper)

  ④ 紙張性能(Paper Properties)

  ⑤ 紙板(Board Paper)

  ⑥ 紙張機械設備方面(Equipments)

  ⑦ 紙袋、紙盒、紙箱


  ⑧ 關于紙張的故障(Breakdown)

  回顧前面的文章,→ 關于:

  橫絲綹 Against the Grain

  紙張絲綹(Grain of Paper)

  紙張 paper,stock

  紙版 paper master

  紙包襯 paper dressing

  紙包裝 paper packing

  紙杯 paper cup,paper drinking cup

  紙幣 bank-note,paper money

  紙幣尺寸標準 large cash

  紙幣防偽線 thread mark

  紙幣印刷 note printing

  紙邊 offcuts,paper edge,shavings,sheet edge,edgings

  紙邊裁切 bleed

  紙邊起翹 tight edge

  紙邊翹曲 warping

  紙標 target paper

  紙莎(suo)草 papyrus

  紙層不均勻 hungry

  紙塵 slitter dust

  紙襯墊 paper packing

  紙帶 paper ribbon,paper tape,paper web

  紙的抄網痕 felt mark

  紙的滯變現象 hysteresis of paper

  紙的組成 construction of paper

  紙電泳 paper electrophoresis

  紙雕 paper sculpture

  紙疊 paper stack

  紙堆 paper pile,pile,stack,stock

  紙堆后檔紙板 rear pile stop

  紙堆前規 pile front edge guide

  紙堆區域 pile area

  紙堆升降臺 mechanical pile hoist,stack lift

  紙垛 paper pile

  紙粉 dirt,paper dust

  紙粉堆積 collecting of lint

  紙封面 paper cover

  紙縫[連續打印紙] paper break

  紙幅拉力 web tension

  紙幅上膠 web sizing

  紙幅壓光 web calendered,web glazing

  紙幅印花 web embossing

  紙幅自動接紙 flying splice

  紙管 fibre tube sore,paper tube

  紙管筒 paper bobbin

  紙管用紙板 core board

  紙管原紙 tube board

  紙管紙 tube paper

  紙罐 canister,fibre board can,paper can

  紙輥密度 paper roll density

  紙灰 dust,paper dust

  紙機裝飾 machine finish

  紙基 paper-base,transfer paper

  紙基底版[小膠印] matter paper,paper master

  紙基復合 paper base laminate

  紙基膠印版 paper lithographic plate

  紙基金箔 paper foil

  紙基塑料 paper-base plastics

  紙基印版[小膠印] master paper,paper plate,paper-based plate

  紙加工 paper converting

  紙加工生產線 paper converting production line

  紙夾 portfolio

  紙漿[造紙] pulp,stuff

  紙漿板 pulp board

  紙漿法紙 pulp process paper

  紙漿模 molded pulp

  紙漿模制襯墊 molded pulp pad

  紙漿上膠 sizing of pulp

  紙漿與紙張工業技術協會(TAPPI) Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry(美)

  紙膠帶 gummed tape

  紙巾 paper handkerchief,paper towel,towelings

  紙卷 batch roll,sheet roll,paper reel,reel

  紙卷臂 reel arm

  紙卷試樣 reel sample

  紙卷退紙 unroll

  紙卷軸 rollshaft

  紙庫 paper storage room,paper store,reelroom

  紙寬 width of paper

  紙料 stuff,stock

  紙料板 paper stock board

  紙路 paper path,web lead,web path

  紙路轉向桿 turner bars

  紙-鋁箔復合 combined paper-foil

  紙毛 lint,fluff,paper lint

  紙綿扇形捻開 fanning

  紙面 paper surface,paper cover

  紙面平裝 paper-bound

  紙面平裝版 paper covered edition

  紙面平裝本 paper bound book,paper bound volume

  紙面效率[油墨]paper surface efficiency

  紙面裝訂 bind in paper cover,bound in paper covers,paper binding,paper-back binding

  紙面裝訂本 paper back,paper cover,paper-backed,paperbound

  紙盤 paper dish

  紙坯 base stock,raw paper,ground paper,body paper

  紙皮 leatheroid,sham

  紙皮本 paperback

  紙皮書 paperbound,egghead paperback

  紙片 patch

  紙瓶蓋 bottle cap

  紙容器 carton,paper container,carton box

  紙柔化劑 paper softener

  紙上的商標 impressed watermark

  紙上快干 faster setting

  紙繩 kraft cord

  紙臺 pile board

  紙條 slip,paper strip

  紙筒 reel

  紙筒用紙 paper can paper

  紙涂層 paper coating

  紙尾吹風 rear edge blower

  紙尾擋紙片 rear edge stop

  紙型 mat,matrix,mould,paper matrix,board mold,paper mould

  紙型材料處理箱 mat storage box

  紙型襯紙 lining board paper

  紙型墊襯 back-out,backing

  紙型粉 matrix powder

  紙型干燥 mat drying,scorching

  紙型烘干 roasting

  紙樣 paper sample,sample sheet

  紙頁的長邊 long direction of sheet

  紙印本 paper copy

  紙張尺寸 paper size,sheet size,stock size

  紙張搭迭 lapping

  紙張的普通裁切法 broadside division

  紙張等級 paper grade,grades of paper

  紙張叼口 front

  紙張叼口邊 pitch edge

  紙張掉粉 plucking

  紙張定量 basis weight,grammage,substance number,substance weight

  紙張定位 paper registration,sheet registration

  紙張翻身 tumble

  紙張翻轉滾筒包襯 perfectjacket

  紙張反面印刷 back printing

  紙張泛黃 after-yellowing of paper

  紙張廢料 paper waste

  紙張分層 delaminate

  紙張加工 paper converting

  紙張加工尺寸 trimmed size

  紙張結構 paper structure

  紙張精加工 paper finishing

  紙張糾偏 web guding

  紙張卷邊起皺 curl

  紙張控制裝置 sheet control

  紙張扣釘 paper fastener

  紙張寬邊 short-way

  紙張寬度 paper width,sheet width

  紙張裂斷長度 fracture length

  紙張毛孔 paper pore

  紙張內的水印線 filigree,light and shade waiter mark

  紙張耐折強度試驗 creasing test

  紙張起泡 blister

  紙張起皺 folder crease,wrinkle,crease

  紙張起皺(瓦楞紙褶) corrugation

  紙張強度實驗器 paper resistance tester,paper strength tester

  紙張缺陷 paper defect

  紙張扇形捻開 fanning out,fan-out

  紙張上加壓花紋 pebble finish,pebbling

  紙張上膠 paper sizing,sizing of paper

  紙張上蠟 paper waxing

  紙張樣本 swatch pad

  紙張與油墨適應性試驗 paper and ink compatibility test

  紙張質地 paper texture

  紙張重量 weight of paper,basis weight,paper weight

  紙織紋理 paper texture

  紙織物 paper cloth,paper textile

  紙質布 paper cloth

  紙著色 paper cloring

  造紙添加劑 paper additive

關鍵詞: 紙張尺寸





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